July 29, 2008



Bit of interesting reading from Gliving of all places. Terrafugia has a hybrid which is having its first full scale model produced in Woburn, Massachusetts. It looks good, but I think that Terrafugia needs to really study the market they are attempting to enter. There are good products (Automobile, Airplane) and there are good products in concept (The flying car). Some well loved products are just not meant to be crossbrids, especially when their respective industries are undergoing such massive change, that will undoubtedly change the way we look at their products.

I do not see an immediate future of consumers that drive out of their garage, on to the highway, and up into the sky. The worlds infrastructure is not designed for it and neither are we. I am however interested to watch as our daily land based transportation system gets leaner and greener, while travel at 17,000 feet gets cheaper. A near future of hybrids (50pmg) and Honda Jets ($4m and lower) is just the sort of future I intend to have.

Terrafugia's well touted “flip of the switch” wing gadgetry, brings back fond memories of Roger Moore's “flip of the switch” Lotus/submarine. I'm sure they can make space next to the Lotus in the warehouse of useless crossbrids, ill throw in my old Flowbee (Vacuum/Clipper) for good measure.


Anonymous said...

Dear JJS,
Where do you find time to read up on all these weird shit? Seriously, between the nightly news, stockmarket update and BBC i have yet to even find time to watch a decent movie let alone research flying cars?!

The Jolly Jetsetter said...

Wait till you read about this "compressed air" car that has been making the news reels.

Things in the auto industry are getting stranger and stranger, meanwhile, all i can think of is that beautiful Ferrari California that runs on good old fashioned gasoline!

Anonymous said...

Dear JJS,
Hahaha you and me both i love those "old fashioned" cars been dreaming about that new Mercedes i'v been eyeing. I'll take the road over the sky anytime.